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Daycare Center



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By building trusted relationships and facilitating open dialogue between funders and key early childhood stakeholders across the state, the MA ECFC:


  • Advances knowledge, supporting funders in acquiring the knowledge they need to effectively support children in their catchment areas,


  • Facilitates alignment and coordination among funders to share early childhood priorities and investments, and key stakeholders in support of a unified early childhood strategy, and


  • Presents systems- and policy-change opportunities with high impact potential throughout Massachusetts.

Funder Members

Membership is open to all types of funders who have an interest in investing in Early Childhood in Massachusetts including private foundations, corporate foundations, community foundations, United Ways, and individuals. Membership is also open to philanthropic advisors.


There are three different Membership Levels based on the level of contribution to support the operations of the MA ECFC including staffing, administrative costs, and programming:


  • Champion:     $5,000+

  • Supporter:      $2,500 - $4,999

  • Member:         $250 - $2,499



Funder Members participate in the MA ECFC in the following ways:

  • Attend, participate in MA ECFC meetings, calls, convenings as desired and share information with ECFC colleagues

  • Participate in Working Groups or Committees of the Collaborative as desired

  • Each Funder Member gets one vote per organization (although more than one individual per organization may attend meetings/participate in activities) regardless of membership level and votes on the following:

    • Election of Steering Committee members

    • Approval of Steering Committee recommendations relative to Annual Collaborative Focus Areas/Priority Initiatives, Annual Budget, Membership Structure/Dues



Friends Group

In order to be more inclusive and engage new funders in the Collaborative, it will be possible for funders who are not yet ready to make a membership commitment to join the MA ECFC Friends Group. 

  •  A funder may spend up to a year in the Friends Group, after which they will transition to one of the membership levels.

  •  Friends Group members have no voting rights or decision-making authority.



How to Join

If you have any questions about membership or would like to become a member, please complete the Membership Commitment Form and email it to us at:








Current Members

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Callanan Family Charitable Gift Fund

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Gisela B. Hogan Charitable Foundation

Roger & Lisa Krakoff Family Fund

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Additional Support:

In memory of Kip Hawley, from


Massachusetts Early Childhood Funder Collaborative is fiscally sponsored by Philanthropy Massachusetts


© Copyright 2023 Massachusetts Early Childhood Funder Collaborative 

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