Early Education and Care Workforce Liaison
Strategic Priority Alignment

MA ECFC funding has completed and the project partners are continuing to meet.
Project Goal
Develop a statewide structure to coordinate and align information and resources across the Commonwealth's 15 community colleges, expand and improve access to training and pathway opportunities, and enhance the early education landscape through collaborations with early education providers, government agencies, and other key stakeholders.
Rationale for Action
Workforce challenges facing the education and care space are numerous and inhibit the expansion of high-quality education and care, requiring multiple approaches and strategies. Supporting and developing early childhood educators in entering and attaining certifications through local community colleges is one such strategy.
The MACC-EEC Workforce Liaison is a partnership between the Massachusetts Association of Community Colleges (MACC) and the Massachusetts Department of Early Education and Care (EEC), supported by members of the ECFC. MACC supports the Commonwealth's 15 community colleges, while EEC sets policies and regulations for the state's early education and care programs.
This one-year project was launched in December 2022.
Additional Information
MACC has been convening an ongoing working group consisting of representatives from all community colleges to understand and document current offerings and potential for credit for prior learning offerings. This group is also meeting with EEC to ensure alignment with state early educator credentialing.